Lifestyle,  Nature

Fika – a Swedish ritual, not a curse word!

Fika is a concept, a state of mind, an attitude and a pillar of Swedish culture. Many Swedes consider it essential to make time for fika every day. It means making time for friends and colleagues to share a cup of coffee (or tea) and a little something to eat. … fika is a ritual.

Make some time this week to order your coffee in a “for-here” non-plastic/paper cup. Yes, you can do this at Starbucks! Take an extra five minutes off your phone/work and really enjoy that cup. (Before it’s cold) Smell the beans, enjoy the aroma and soak in your surroundings. Have a fika! Or better yet, text a friend to join you for a fika, pick out a new exciting coffee shop and head out. Connect with your loved ones. Have a moment. Have a fika! Connect the Swedish way! Swedish fika is the four lettered word to Swedish happiness.


This four-lettered word is the Swedish key to happiness.

Enjoy your fika!

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